I sent this out via email but wanted to make blog it. A group that I am a part of, Cloud Eye Control, is performing this week at the REDCAT NOW Festival in downtown LA. We just opened last night and had a good show. Damaso was in attendance and it was really nice seeing his familiar face. Info below. Please circulate to any interested parties! We got a good write-up in the LA Times, check it out here!
JULY 17–19 (THU, FRI, & SAT) @ 8:30 PM
Cloud Eye Control: Final Space and Subterranean Heart
With an ingenious blend of projected animation, live theater and upbeat music, Cloud Eye Control generates hyper-live performances of technological fancy. Whether probing outer space for a new habitat or mining earth for embedded gems, the creative team of Miwa Matreyek, Anna Oxygen and Chi-wang Yang seamlessly fuses disciplines to revel in a multidimensional, seductively cinematic experience.
The fifth annual NOW Festival encourages risk and invention to foster new dance, theater, music and hybrid performance works from artists throughout Los Angeles. Join us as REDCAT launches nine innovative and interdisciplinary projects that bend traditions and investigate new visions of work for the stage.
Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater
631 W. 2nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Cool looking art! I love multi-media. Your site has good video of your projects.